Implant Programs


Explore Our Diverse Range of Programs at Siaris Institute

Uncover a spectrum of enriching opportunities through our diverse programs at Siaris Institute, fostering your journey towards dental mastery

Certificate Program in Oral Implantology (6 months)

Program Structure

The certificate program is designed to provide a basic knowledge of the
science of implantology. The program will provide hands on surgical training
for the non complex oral implantology procedures. The program is designed
to impart the knowledge and confidence in the science and practice of
implantology to our participants for the management of patients with ideal
clinical scenarios. This course is an academic and clinical programme leading
to the award of a certificate in Implantology.
This program is designed as a bridging course for the dental interns and the
practitioners to get an insight into the branch of oral implantology.
The course is designed to comprehensively cover the basic preclinical
sciences, medical emergencies in practice, the crux of practice management.

Diploma in Oral Implantology (1 year)

Program Structure

This structured program is intended on taking the participant from basic to intermediate level in Implant Dentistry. The purpose of this program is to provide adequate training including the fundamental principles and the latest developments in Implant Dentistry to clinicians who would like to perform surgical and restorative procedures relating to dental implants in their daily practice. This program aims at delivering both practice-based knowledge and skills underpinned by the relevant evidence to clinicians so that they are competent to carry out high quality practice in the field of Implant Dentistry to their patients. The programme focusing on the core knowledge and competence in the field of implant dentistry. It is intended to stress on the competency in accurate diagnosis, formulation of treatment planning and performance in implant surgery at a level of minor augmentation. More advanced procedures such as major bone grafting are not included in this programme.

Master in Oral Implantology (2 years)

Program Structure

The lectures, case based discussions/clinical case studies, clinical simulations and clinical practice will highlight the importance of Dental Implantology in daily dental practice, focusing on the challenges dental practitioners face, and providing sound solutions to overcome the difficulties encountered by participants. This module based program will be spread over a period of 24 months where the participants will have to attend the lectures and hands on trainings in person for the 4modules, each of them lasting for 8- 10 days. Clinical cases will be shared by participants throughout the duration of the program to discuss their own clinical experience; such approach will ensure that the learning outcomes are met. All lectures, clinical simulations and clinical sessions are assessed on a regular basis to ensure the level of didactic and clinical competencies, with emphasize on clinical case analysis. The masters program is tailor made to meet the requirements of the Fellowship of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists and also for the Diploma in Implant Dentistry exam by The Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh.